Thursday, March 12, 2015

Autocomplete - Jquery ajax json example using java servlet

Autocomplete- Jquery Ajax Json Example in Java(using Servlet)

Here am using devbridge jquery api to achieve the autocomplete functionality.
  Mysql (or you can use any other database ,but in lib folder you must add appropriate driver
   for  that database)
To get country list
For Mysql

For Oracle

<input type="text" name="country" id="autocomplete"
                                                            class="form-control" placeholder="Enter Country name" />

Jquery Plugin to achieve Autocomplete from DevBridge

<script type="text/javascript" src="src/jquery.autocomplete.js"></script>

Jquery Code
                              //lookup: countries,
                              serviceUrl:'Auto', //tell the script where to send requests
                               width: 450, //set width
//callback just to show it's working
                              onSelect: function (suggestion) {
                              $('#selection').html('You selected: ' + suggestion.value + ', ' +;
                              showNoSuggestionNotice: true,
                              noSuggestionNotice: 'Sorry, no matching results',

Servlet Code
                                             String q=request.getParameter("query");
                                             ArrayList<Country> o=CountryDao.getCountryName(q);
                                             Gson gson = new Gson();
                                             // convert java object to JSON format,
                                             // and returned as JSON formatted string
                                             String json = gson.toJson(o);
Here the method is not mentioned so all the data will be passed as GET method. If you want to pass the data through post mention in Jquery like type:’POST’.